Monday, October 18, 2010

The Survivors Club--Ben Sherwood

"The secrets and science that could change your life"

" how some people are born with a Resilience Gene that actually protects them in the worst knocks in life." The research is great with many stories
I watched the drama of the Chilean mine workers with the rest of the world. FOX news did an interview with Mr Sherwood, they discussed the most important survivor tool in crisis is faith.
The US Navy survivor manual also teaches Faith in God as the number one survivor tool. "Faith is a force multiplier" Praise God for prayer, for verses memorized in Sunday School, for hope-realistic optimism & His grace.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Bethany's Worship CD

Music she produced when pursuing Hillsong, Australia. Not raising enough funds wasn't all bad, this CD is great consolation. It is a gift that leads you into the secret place and is wonderful meditation.
What makes this appropriate to 'A Clearinghouse for Healing' is it lets me talk about worship and just how wonderful worship is to the body & soul.

I began to realize after bouts with paralysis because of the MS, that I could stand, walk, dance, raise my arms, simply had more endurance while participating in a worship service. So why not take that presence-anointing with you in and through everything? He is present while we worship because "He inhabits the praises of His people" & "in His presence is fullness of joy" then it's "the joy of the Lord that is my strength" Loving the Word and Fellowship with the Lord is what has kept me these over 30 years with multiple sclerosis

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Check out Ed's book

An Amazon Kindle book is easy to download and read on your computer, Kindle or phone with Kindle Apps. It's his life's passion and Demonstrates Ed's love for History and the Pioneers. He has been writing this since before the Back Stage Past radio show in the 80's. This book is about the church in America from the early 1900's to the Jesus Movement, Brownsville Revival.....

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Bodily Healing and the Atonement

By Dr T.J. Mc Crossan The first book I studied after my diagnosis in 1977 part of Kenneth Hagin's Faith Library. 98 pages published in 1930.
"God used to heal the sick, and He is an unchangeable God"
This book is great meditation.

Billy Burke came to Christian Retreat last week.
‘Healed of Terminal Brain CancerAt the early age of 9 Billy met the Healing Jesus!Stricken with this disease and just days to live, Billy through his grandmother, was introduced to the ministry of Kathryn Kuhlman. Miss Kuhlman called Billy out of the crowd and asked him, “Do you believe?” Then she touched him and in a moment, all the cancer was gone.

I purchased a CD series 'Empowered to keep your Healing Miracle'
Haven't gotten to it yet, but I shared with the women at the table that I'd heard Billy many times and had been walking with MS for over 30 years, that I'd had several God Encounters and wanted something for a healing atmosphere and meditation. I think she was Billy's wife.
She came up to me later and escorted me front for prayer.
I don’t go chasing every “faith healer” but believe there are those with the gift of healing.

There is the temptation of seeking the healing above seeking The Healer.

I have been prayed for often. Benny Hinn called me out of the audience and prayed for me on TV once. Charles, Frances & Joan Hunter have prayed for me, Norvel Hayes & Harold Bredesen Faith teachers while I was in Bible College in the late 70's, Ken Sumrall my pastor when I was first diagnosed, Phil Derstine my pastor today have all prayed. I’ve called on the elders of the church and agreed in prayer with my husband and family.

Often the Lord will heal someone instantly. Then there seem to be those like the man born blind, that the Lord wants to use to manifest Himself in using their weaknesses.
I still have pain and often use a walker or cane. Do I think I have sin in my life or for some reason am not right with God? NO

I’ve felt His touched. I’ve heard His voice. I’ve known His presence in all of this.
I will continue to pray and be prayed for. The Word says ‘pray for one another that you might be healed’ and ‘the Lord restored the fortunes of Job when he prayed for his friends’

I believe in healing. Read the scriptures, say them, hear yourself saying them.