Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Victorious Ministry Through Christ

"The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because He has anointed me to preach good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to release the oppressed..."Luke 4:18

In my 30+ years of growing in intimacy with the Healer this ministry has meant the most to me. I have been healed and received deliverance of strongholds that bound me for years. An evening in prayer counseling is like surgery of the soul... confessing, cleansing, crying, claiming wholeness.

Victorious Ministry Through Christ VMTC Prayer Ministry is a means God uses to bring His gifts of the Spirit to bear in a person's life in a deeper fashion, while he/she is surrounded by the Love of God. This frees the Fruit of the Spirit to grow and mature in the person receiving ministry. (Ephesians 4: 22-24

The VMTC Experience Here is a safe island away from your surroundings... hidden in the Victory of the Cross. Here we participate in loving, listening, and believing prayer through which the wounded soldier is healed by the Lord.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Spiritual Roots of Disease

A More Excellent Way by Pastor Henry Wright

In my wanting to make reference to those I have learned from in my healing adventure this is an excellent book to research and study on the roots of diseases, designed to sow seed of knowledge of our problems being spiritual, psychological and biological.

Pastor Wright discusses many specific diseases, generational blessings and curses, fear, stresses & physiology, Teaching on Romans 7 and Spiritual Blocks to Healing.

For example what he has to say about MS;
Physically- it's when the white corpuscles decide that the myelin sheath of the nerve is the enemy and so like a modern day Pac-Man take a bite out of the coating around the nerve damaging not only the coating but the nerve itself. (Damage to the nerve itself is a recent claim, for years it was only thought to be the myelin sheath.)
Spiritually- "MS is rooted in deep, deep self hatred and guilt, and involves a fathers rejection" The father not the mother, is responsible for the daughters value system and her self-esteem is another site listing specific diseases and their spiritual roots

I also like how Louise Hay says in 'Heal your body: the mental causes for physical illness.'
You will find a picture of the probable cause for a specific health issue and the information you need to overcome it by creating a new thought pattern.
To me this is all part of taking steps towards "putting on:
'the spiritual mind, the mind of Christ, the spiritual armour, whatsoever is true'"

I am believing for a creative miracle to damaged nerves where the sheath has been destroyed. In Jesus name.

Friday, November 13, 2009

"not medically proven"

That's what my neurologist said to me when I told him I was using vitamins, massage & going on a carrot juice fast to treat the MS, and I wasn't going to use the prednisone anymore. I kinda didn't show up at the hospital when he had arranged for my admittance.

That was about 20 years ago.

Later there were those years when I had to use the drugs and go in the hospital.
Found a notepad where I kept tract of the baclofen and oxcarbazapine that I took during the 2 years I was dealing with the trigeminal neuralgia;
"12:00, 3:00, 6:00, 9:00, 12:00, 3:00, 6:00, 9:00" AM&PM
I had to take these pills, one then the other every 3 hours, 24 hours a day for 2 years. Trust me my body told me when I was late or had missed a pill...this didn't include pain pills

During physical therapy the other day the therapist and I were talking about the pain with the TN. She engaged in conversation with me about this condition like she really understood. She said "Well it wasn't like a pregnancy where you knew it was gonna be over in 9 months" That was honestly a part of the anxiety, not knowing when it would end.

I prepared a protien shake for breakfast this morning using a product that I got from the heath food store. I have drinks every morning for breakfast, don't like eggs unless they're raw. This particular brand I lived off of when I couldn't eat during the trigeminal neuralgia. Funny how the senses activate memories! The taste and texture totally, oh my not good. Tomorrow I'll add a candy bar to it =)
Oh had an MRI the other day. I smile when I'm in there cause I'm thinking about that link I have which talks about how 'tongues activate a certain part of our brain'
SO I'm praying in tongues the entire time hoping the technicians are wondering whats going on! ^_^

Monday, November 2, 2009

It Is Well...

excerpt from my chapter from Pastor Phil's book... my testimony of healing

“This is my story, this is my song…”
I was born in Los Angeles, California, and from an early age knew I was grandma’s favorite. I can always remember having an awareness of God. I loved going to Sunday School as a little girl—learning the stories, singing the songs, and memorizing Bible verses. “The Lord is my Shepherd” became the expression of His love. It was also my soul’s anchor for many years.
Then, when I was in second grade, my mom moved my sister and me away from our close family in Los Angeles to Reno, Nevada, where she met my stepfather. Soon there was this dichotomy of humiliation and guilt because of the darkness. Nighttimes were marked with an anxiousness, abuse, and fears. It wasn’t long until I committed emotional suicide.
I couldn’t stand how I felt or what I saw and hated who I had been forced to become. I certainly didn’t want grandmother or aunt or cousins or neighbors or teachers or friends to find out this secret. Childhood innocence was quickly lost by a gross violation that wasn’t or couldn’t be talked about.
As a teen in the 1970s, I found Jesus again. It was The Jesus Movement, and everybody was becoming a Christian. I found security and an acceptance which made me feel great on the outside but filthy and fake on the inside. This duality was with me through college and into my marriage. I was driven to do everything right, to be perfect, because inside was this suicidal self-destruction. I didn’t want to feel the disgrace and shame that failure often brought.
God created me and knew me in my mother’s womb. She carried with me her own secrets and shame. Her emotional pain was stamped in my being even before my birth. In my own third pregnancy, our second daughter Eva was being nurtured in my womb where the years of repression and self-hatred were being imprinted in her soul as well. She was born seven weeks premature and died eight hours later.
I was bound by my defenses. At church that Sunday, the choir sang a dramatic contemporary version of a song which would change my life: "It Is Well With My Soul." My body was screaming what I wouldn't let my emotions feel, and the MS was out of control. But this Word which stirred my soul soon became my restraint. It was September 16, 1982, when God showed me Jesus was more than a Savior; He is the Lover of my Soul. He was saying it was okay to feel and that my mind, will, and emotions needed to be restored. The pain and shame that had destroyed me was wrong. I could be healed, touched by His love and renewed.
A year later, I had a miscarriage; the MS continued to paralyze my body; and that song came up once again! This time I’m in the choir with weeks of rehearsals. It was my meditation and declaration. Still it wasn't “well with my soul,” but I was learning "a man's spirit can bear his sickness, but a broken spirit who can bear." I had a broken spirit. God wanted my soul well. He sent His Son so my soul would be well—saved, delivered from sin and its consequences.
A healthy soul sustains a healthy body. I've learned that to hold onto anger and unforgiveness turns into strongholds of bitterness and resentment which poisons everything. Your walk and your talk need to manifest JESUS. “To be carnally minded is death; to be spiritually minded is life and peace.”
My final pregnancy was difficult with many complications, but I had been healed of much...and It Was Well With My Soul!
Through miscarriages, the multiple sclerosis, and many trials, I’ve learned cleansing and applying the WORD. I know that HE never leaves nor forsakes me, and…When peace, like a river, attendeth my way,
When sorrows like sea billows roll;
Whatever my lot, Thou has taught me to say,
It is well, it is well, with my soul.
“Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospers.”
3 John 1:2
MS: Many Scars-Many Stripes, and "by His stripes we are healed.”
Story behind the song