Saturday, December 3, 2011

Jesus the Healer

"Jesus the Healer" was the very first book I read after being diagnosed with MS. Most of my notes were dated in 1977. Its contents are almost a condensed version of every book I’ve read or quoted from these past 35 years. I can’t say which is my favorite part. Kenyon wrote for the spirit man, addressing the heart more than the head. Understanding the Father heart of God, who we are in Christ and the authority of the believer were central to his message. He was one of the first “name and claim it teachers” emphasizing spending time in the WORD "claim what you’ve read and meditated on."
‘Jesus the Healer’ by E W Kenyon is only 105 pages and available on audio CD and Kindle as well.

Friday, September 30, 2011

Songs in the night- Pastor Phil Derstine

“Men cry out under a load of oppression; they plead for relief from the arm of the powerful. But no one says, ‘Where is God my Maker, who gives songs in the night, who teaches more to us than to the beasts of the earth and makes us wiser than the birds of the air?” Job 35:9-11 (NIV)
Job’s friend gave a sad commentary in these verses. Why is it men neglect or sometimes refuse to call out to their Creator for help when they are oppressed? Do you know that Satan wants you to believe that it is just your “lot in life” to suffer? Well, he is WRONG!
Notice that this passage says that God gives “songs in the night.” Satan’s domain has always been equated with works of “darkness.” That is why burdens seem so much heavier in the middle of the night than they do in the bright light of day.
However, God has promised, in Malachi 4:2-3 that “unto you that fear my name shall the Sun of righteousness arise with healing in his wings. . . and ye shall tread down the wicked. . . .“ Therein lies your relief and authority. By His Spirit, Jesus will bring a song of healing in the night hours or in the spiritual dark hours of your life. His Light will shine forth, showing you the way out. Embrace this promise today!
PRAY: “Where can I go but to You, Lord, when the darkness seems overwhelming. Thank You for the Light of Jesus shining in the night, giving me a song of hope and rest. Glory to Your holy Name! Amen.”

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Sing a New Song- Pastor Phil Derstine

"Sing unto the Lord a new song, and his praise from the end of the earth, ye that go down to the sea, and all that is therein; the isles, and the inhabitants thereof.” Isaiah 42:10
Isaiah is issuing a command in this verse — a command that you sing a NEW SONG to the Lord from your heart. . . a song of rejoicing and thanksgiving for God’s delivering power in your life.
David expressed his joy in song. “[The Lord] hath put a new song in my mouth, even praise unto our God. . .
This song came after a great deliverance: “He brought me up also out of an horrible pit, out of the miry clay, and set my feet upon a rock, and established my goings.” David saw his life as a testimony to others. “Many shall see it, and fear, and shall trust in the Lord. “(See Psalm 40:1-3.)
Nothing can compare with the JOY God puts in the soul of a man He sets free from the bondage of sin. “Miry clay” represents your body which was formed from the dust of the earth. When your feet are placed upon the “Rock,” Christ Jesus, and the Holy Spirit directs your “goings “to and fro, “A NEW SONG” springs forth from your spirit, making your life a melody others love to hear.
Think on His goodness, and sing your song to the Lord today!
PRAY: “Father of all music, thank You for putting ‘a new songs’ in my heart. Give me the words and the melody, and I ask You to add another verse each day. In Jesus’ Name, I pray.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Dr Mercola- Insights on Multiple Sclerosis

Very Important to Address All Early Childhood Emotional Traumas
I also want to emphasize the emotional component of autoimmune disease.
Just as vitamin D deficiency seems to be present in most cases of autoimmune disease, there is also typically an emotional element involved.
More often than not, some form of hidden emotional wound can be found in patients suffering with autoimmune diseases like MS. Typically, this wounding occurred at a very young age, almost always before the age of seven; typically before the age of five.
At that age your consciousness is not yet well formed, and it’s easy to incur a serious emotional insult that would not have been nearly as devastating if you’d been a few years older.
Frequently, these emotional injuries result in physical damage decades later, and we’ve found that without effective intervention to address these underlying emotional injuries, you may not be able to get significantly better.
Strategies like meditation, prayer, and energy psychology techniques are particularly effective and need to be part of your overall treatment strategy in order to truly address the root of your illness.
By applying these principles and others available on this site, we’ve seen phenomenal results, and I'm confident that if you suffer from MS and apply them, you too will notice a dramatic improvement in your condition.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Knocking on the right door for your Miracle- by Billy Burke

Chapter 1 ‘Exhausting all avenues’ March 2011
“And I say unto you, Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock and it shall be opened unto you. For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened.” Luke 11:9-10
After 50 years I’ve done a whole lot of the above. Still am, cause it’s in the finding that a special sense of wholeness is found, and “that peace that passes understanding”
Each chapter a life lesson that has defined parts of my walk.
Door One: The Elders
Kinda was the first thing I did. With my inner healing it was being transparent with my junior high & high school spiritual leaders-Ralph & Mathel Ambrose and Phil & Jill Freeman which brought me into my salvation experience and baptism in the Holy Spirit. With my physical healing dealing specifically with the MS, Bro. Ken when at Liberty Bible College had a word that led me to a more nutritional walk. Bill & Barbara Stamp a forgiving walk.
It’s a constant to ‘call on the elders of the church’ when you are sick.
Door Two: Prayer of Agreement - powerful
Door Three: Gifts of the Holy Spirit -
Door Four: Speaking the Word of Faith
Door Five: The Word of God
Door Six: Forgiveness as a Force
Door Seven: Holy Communion
Door Eight: Obeying the Holy Spirit
Door Nine: Temple Care (Diet, Rest and Exercise)
Door Ten: Mix of Medicine and Miracles I’ll continue to comment on each but ‘Temple Care & Mix of Medicine and Miracles’ seems to be where I am.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Healing the Heart- Joan Hunter

Joan's parents were Charles & Frances Hunter, great healing evangelists in the 60's-80's. When Joan faced physical trauma she imediatley knew what to do. But after both her parents died, going through breast cancer & a divorce she learned the common thread of how emotional pains feed doubt and unbelief. Her's are personally tested words.
It's been raining outside today so this thought from Chapter 8 "Are You determined to be Healed" sorta hits home...
'When the storms of life come, there are three main things we can do;
1. Rebuke the storm- Rebuke the situation and it will flee.
2. Walk it out with Him- If the storm doesn't abate when you speak to it, know that you can walk through the storm. God is there beside you and HE will keep you protected even as the wind and rain swirl around you.
3. Wait- If the storm still continues to rage, know that this is something that you must go through in your life, but it will not last forever. Wait in faith for it to end, and know that God is perfecting you through the trial.'
Link to Joan's book:

Saturday, January 22, 2011

A Place of HEALING by Joni Eareckson Tada

Is good meditation for those dealing with a medical condition for decades from someone who has been doing it in the public eye. I like a brief story Joni shares of a young man who felt a strong ambition to pray for her. Approaching her in a parking lot … “Have you ever considered that it might be sin standing in the way of your healing? That you’ve disobeyed in some way? He then told the story of the friends lowering the paralytic through the roof of the house who was healed when Jesus prayed for him. “You too could be healed if you confess your sin and have faith to believe.” He added “Joni, there must be sin in your life that you haven’t dealt with yet.” Joni said well my conscience is clear and thanked him for his concern. The guy just didn’t get it. He had prayed she should be healed. Finally she drew his attention to the rest of the verse, “Jesus saw the faith of the four friends and the man was made well” God didn’t require faith of the paralyzed man. But he could require yours.”
I love this and appreciate her perspective in many ways and will continue to believe in "the prayer of faith" (AMAZON will let you read the 1st chapter)