Friday, April 11, 2014

Pray for one another that you might be healed

" praying for others and finding healing."
My most difficult times with MS were often around painful emotions like when my infant daughter Eva passed away in 1982 and a miscarriage in 1984. There were weeks, months and entire summers that Bethany would go to Tennessee and stay with her grandparents and I'd be home alone.
One time I'm pretty sure was in 1984 - I had my third miscarriage no Seth yet and we lived in a small apartment complex. Ed worked at ABC-40 and I was home alone because of the paralysis. Spending my time in the scriptures, meditation and worship.
There were 2 sisters that were also home alone because mom worked days that I soon made friends with. They kind of came over all the time anyways. I think they were 11 and 6 years old. By the end of the summer the oldest one didn't come over as much and was running around with an older group of kids. I thought to myself " it's just like me and my sister" and The Lord said " it's exactly like you and your sister "
My eyes were opened to what was going on. When Mom was at work her boyfriend who had moved in was with the girls but had been inappropriate with the oldest.
I began to pray her with groanings and tears and emotions that new exactly what she was going through, releasing and breaking bondages that controlled my own body and soul.  My prayers were specific to my understanding that she would be free from guilt. That she would not think it was her fault, that she wasn't dirty or a bad person. Everyone of my accusers being released praying for this girl. She was not going to be11 going on 20, she was not going to lose those years!

After talking with their mother she confronted the guy and chose her girls over him. What a blessing. She wanted what was best but being a single mom struggled financially so decided to move back home.
My last picture of the girls was a goodbye hug and she was holding her new teddy bear skipping off to the car headed for St Pete. Thank you Jesus she was a beautiful girl and both of us had been set free.

When Ed passed away January 19, 2013 the natural course of grieving was healthy because those tears cleanse the soul. There were prayer meetings for the hurting I attended. afterwards where my prayers were Fueled by those tears.